Friday, 30 November 2012

Rhode island reds

Yesterday I rang the president of the Waikato poultry association who was the breeder of the RIR I circled at the nat. Poultry show. She is a lovely lady who invited us out to her place that afternoon. She showed us all her birds and gave us 10 eggs to put under grace. The too is pure red and most of the ladies are. You can see in the photo there is a black orp/RIR lady and a silky cross. We can't tell which eggs are theirs so hatch day is going to be exciting.

Navjot at seven weeks

Friday, 26 October 2012

2 weeks old Hamilton

Our babies are 2ish weeks old. I think the leg test is fairly accurate now and Betsy is already showing some colour in her his huge wattles!
Im still unsure about Tuppence. Everything about her but the legs says boy. She will wander up to 4 metres away from her family and is so brave and curious.

(lots of baby wings)

King Tubby fights it and shes a bit bigger than the other black australorp 
Navjot, I will be REALLY surprised if shes a boy
and Mrs Cherry. Got to be a girl. very sweet, very shy. the 2 australorps have different colouring on their bellies too, King Tubby is white while Mrs Cherry is yellowish. The hatched this way.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

We need to talk about Tuppence

                                            They should be a week old but theyre 4-5 days
 Hello Grace
 Nosey Florence
Thsi is Betsy. Usually she puts her feet up but her early wing feathering indicate GIRL
 King Tubby, fights it the whole time
 Mrs Cherry. I bet shes a girl
 Tuppence. Tuppence never fights me but she wanders away from the others all the time. and look at this feathering.
I just dont think she is a RIR. She should be dark caramel and not have BLACK coming through.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Day 24 Hamilton

Last night the last of the chicks came out, Navjot the Barnevelder. Im so glad the hatch is over. 3eggs didnt hatch, 2 australorps which look like they didnt develop past a week and the blue barnevelder who broke into the air pocket but didnt get any further. I think it got cold while John was concentrating on the first hatchlings.
Today John took the chicks onto the grass. They didnt do much as they are still so new so it was hard to get many good photos.

 King Tubby's tiny comb

Holding Tuppence, she fell asleep!

 Navjot, look how much darker than last time
 and next to Betsy, the blue lace wyandotte (on the right)
 Still quite hard to get them all in one shot

 Betsy is far bluer than Rose was.
 King Tubby the Australorp

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Day 23 Hamilton

I can't believe it's day 23 and were still waiting! This morning Tuppence, the Rhode Island Red is out and cute as a button. The barnevelder has a good pip and is still cheeping and tapping. The other 3 eggs haven't changed, as I thought but John is still keeping them tucked under her.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Day 22 Hamilton 2pm

We now have a blue laced Wyandotte, Betsy who is Arlo's chick. The RIRed is cheeping away under its pip. Kaya named Australorp #1 King Tubby which was Jimmy's choice. He is a musician he likes. Kyan named Australorp #2 Mrs Cherry.

I can hear the barnevelder tapping but no pip yet and the other australorps and the blue barnevelder feel cold. They are a bit warm from being under John but don't have the inner heat you can feel in the eggs with the chicks we know are alive.
Eleanor is so nosey, she's desperate to see what we're all looking at