I drove through the countryside on the most amazing of roads. Pretty straight and not too many cars, plus often you got to see the way the road rolled along. It looked so pretty. Plus it was sunny and there were lots of new spring lambs and calves. Awwwww.
I popped on my new Ed Sheeran album and really enjoyed the car ride.
I was meeting Vicky and two of her boys at Poultry Valley to pick up our eggs. We had a rather long list of all the ones we wanted to buy, and you're never quite sure what you will get as the chooks can't be told to lay just when you want them to.
I think Vicky was missing a couple she wanted, but I was lucky this time around and got all the ones I was after (plus I had 4 at home waiting to go under the chooks with these ones).
If you want somewhere to buy good quality heritage breed fertile chicken eggs, I highly recommend Poultry Valley.
So I have:
4 x Golden Campines
3 x blue/black leghorns
3 x Araucanas
3 x Buff Sussex
3 x Rhode Island Reds
Hopefully from this hatch we'll end up with one girl from each.
And hatch day? 11th October. Perfect timing as we'll be in the school holidays. We've already blocked out the 11/12th for watching chicks hatch!
In 10 days we'll candle to see if they're fertile and then we'll have a better idea of what we're hatching. I can't wait!
Oh, and because I saw this coooooool biscuit tin and it was Vicky's birthday, I just had to buy it, fill it with baking and give it to her. Happy birthday Vicky! Grin.
A wonderful if not a little tiring day.
awesome. We listened to some Ed Sheeran on the way out too, Arlo loves it. Thanks for my lovely tin of bits :)