Tuesday, 6 December 2011

McClune update

It was so much fun talking to you tonight Vicky. Was so glad to hear that the Captain came down and all chicks were happy. Aren't they funny things?!

Here's a couple of photos I've taken today and yesterday.

First Lange. You can see his comb is red and he's developing wattles.
Next is Tuffy. Her head tuft is starting to feather up. It's going to be interesting to see what she looks like when it's finished.

Then after we talked about the sleeping situation, I thought I'd go and take a photo of my lot. Poor ole Blah is just too small for them now. When the chicks are standing upright, they are as tall as her. Not as big, but certainly they can't all fit under her wings anymore.

When I open the 'hatch' they all start to move about, but in this instance they just stayed where they were, but stood up. You can see Lange and I'm not sure who else? I think it might be Sarie? Under Blah.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, thats a boy alright, red indeed! Tuffys hair do is hilarious!
