tonight i went out to put Hook and the babies to bed and couldnt find Rita or Captain Hook. I got in a bit of a panic as they were nowhere to be found. I thought maybe Rita had got through the fence and Hook had gone after her and the dog found them,.... as you do. Anyway I heard Hooks special cluck she uses to call the babies and looked up. There she was roosting with Rita.
I had a bit of a panic as I couldnt get the others to go to bed without Hook. I tried to get them cheeping to encourage hook to come down, Sage and I held them and sort of chased them abotu but she did not move. Sage was thrilled to have his first hold all by himself. I took a few photos then came in to phone Trina
Sage and Queenie
hmmm comb pinking up?
lovely Rose
Queenie again
Funny old Minnie
Betty legging it
Rose and Minnie, check out that tail
Hook up the top, queenie down the bottom
Finally she came down......and so did Rita, Phew!
WONDERFUL photos. What an adventure. You did good. So did the Captain. They are growing up aren't they?! Sigh. What a journey. Good times. Good times.