Today I candled our eggs. I had 14 to do and it wasn't Wendy's day to get off the nest, so I tried to be a little discreet. Haha. Me?!
I took out 7 to start with and here were the results:
Barnevelder (BV) - good large air sac.
Campine - Good air sac, lots of spider veins.
Araucana - Good air sac, bacterial spots.
Blue Laced Wyandotte - Good air sac.
Blue Laced Wyandotte - good air sac.
Barnevelder - Good air sac, dark area of chick
Barred Rock - Nothing, clear egg. Disposed of it.
Then I took out the other 7 and replaced the first ones. Here's their results:
Langshan - good air, huge spider veins, plus a big bacterial ring. Noticed a tiny hole in the shell. Bother! Disposed of egg.
Campine - Good air sac, dark area where chick is.
Langshan - great air sac.
Barred Rock - Good air sac, dark area where chick is.
White Orpington - good air sac.
White Orpington - good air sac.
I know that last time, even though I didn't see spider veins, if there was a good air sac, then it hatched well. I'm hoping the same will apply, as they were quite hard to see this time.
I think just to be on the safe side, I'll candle again in a couple of days. Maybe even tomorrow. LOL!
So we now have 12 eggs under Wendy.