We went to visit GRandma and her chicks in the weekend. They were lovely and friendly This is Grandma holding the black orpington. I thought it would be interesting to note the feathering patterns to use as a sexing reference in the future. The Blue and Black Orpingtons were fully feathered. The Barred Rock was almost totally feathered and the 2 Silver laced Wyandottes were still naked right down their backs. These 2 also had bright red combs and their wattles are developing fast. Boys for sure. Interestingly we did the feet test with this lot at 1-2 weeks and the wyandottes dropped their feet while all the others held theirs up.
Im unsure about this black orp as I can see some red in the comb. The BR is to the left and the Blue orp to the right the one of the Wyandottes on the far right.

Check out the red comb on the wyandotte above!

lovely stripes on the BR

IT was good to see our Johnny.
OMG, that barred rock is looking gorgeous. Yep, you are so right about the wyandotte. And look there's John! I wondered who the white bird was. LOL!