Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Vickys candling

In our original bunch of eggs we had
2x barred rock from Appletons
2x barnevelder from Appletons
2xblue/gold (?) Laced Wyandottes from Appletons
2x black orpingtns from SAndy
2x Blue orpingtons from Sandy and 2x buff Orpingtons from Sandy.

I put them all under Lucy when we got home from Ngaruawhahia but noticed she was panicked about how to cover them all. I got concerned she would either break some or push some out. Luckily Sarahs NAcy (sister of Lucy and WEndy) had gone clucky and was sitting on 4 eggs from Sandy also (2x Barnevelder and 2 x barred rock). I took one each of the orp eggs around and NAncy will sit on them til they pip at which point we will whip the home. Thanks Nancy!

At our first candling (at one week incubation) I was unsure about 'barnevelder number 2 but decided to leave ittil next candling. Barred rock #1 was clearly infertile. All the others looked good, large air pockets and veins.

I have just re candled (at 11 days incuabtion and I saw good veins and air pockets in them, some movements (YAY) except for Barnevelder number 2. Its clear but because of them having dark shells and being hard to candle I havent taken it away from Luce. I will re candle both Barne's tomorrow at the same time (I did them in 2 different groups today) and make a decision. ew I dont want an exploded egg.

I candled Sarahs eggs on Saturday. One of her barred rocks had cracked and NAncy had gotten rid of it. I was unsure about one or 2 of my orps there but couldnt get dark enough to candle so will leave them be.

So half way through we are down 2 eggs and have 10 left YAY!

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