Last year we started with some of these.
See that pale brown one on the top right? That egg is going to hatch to be Sunshine. Our Coronation Sussex.
This is what she looked like as a chick....
Now she looks like this....
She is beautiful. And today, she laid her first egg.
See that teeny tiny little squished egg in the middle? That's it. So cute.
She is still learning and the colour isn't quite all over, and obviously it's tiny. But how cool is that? From egg to egg.
Absolutely thrilled and excited.
We think it's hers because leghorns lay white eggs. HOWEVER, I've got to say I'm starting to rethink it. Coronation Sussex's aren't meant to be early layers. Somewhere in the 20-22 week mark. And Sarie's ear lobes are cream. So does this mean her eggs are going to be cream, not white? If so, does this mean this is her egg?
It would make more sense as Leghorns are 'early' layers.
Hmmmmmm. More questions.
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