This is Captain Hook when Sage is near. She trusts me and Kaya completely. Doesnt even blink if we are holding her babies and they are peeping but if Sage comes near......

(below) Rose is turning very blue at this point, very cool

and look how long/big their wings are already!
all 6! Rita the blue leghorn having a drink

I made cheese today and used some of the whey to make porridge for the chicks. They LOVED it. Captain brought them out onto the grass and they had a lovely time

I got Sage to sit and watch for a minute...before he rounded them up into the run again

and a wee snooze in the last of the sun before bed. I caught Gus looking fairly pleased with himself returning from around the back, you can imagine how I RAN to do a head count.. They were all there but im going to have to watch closely tomorrow.
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