Yesterday was full on. We woke up to 3 chicks and the others well on the way. We managed to see chick number 4 hatch together as a family. It was wonderful. Then the day progressed with 3 more born over the day.
Here's a bit of our day in photos....
Our last Araucana and Coronation Sussex (chick numbers 6 & 7).
We took them out of the box at the end of the day and let them have a play on the grass.
We think they loved it. We certainly did.
chick 4 (still to be named)
Sarah's blue leghorn Sarie
Our last Araucana - chick number 6 who is still to given a name although the kids are calling it tuffy (due to the cute tuft of feathers on it's head).
Everyone was very gentle with our beautiful new babies.
This chick was very curious and keen to have some food.
Then chick number 7 was born while Andy and I were at a concert (that's not fair! LOL). I went and saw her this morning. She is GORGEOUS! I think I'll call her Sunshine, but need to confirm with the kids.
Again, just blown away by the amazingness of this process. WOW!
I am amazed at the colour dofferences. you blue leg is GORGEOUS! We do like Tuffys hair do and Sunshine is a perfect name.