Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Day 12 - Photos

Hi Vicky, Kaya, Arlo and Sage! Today we also candled our eggs. Mum was very excited to show us our little babies.

Mum took all the eggs out at one time and we darkened the hall and used a torch and cardboard.

We 'think' that one of the eggs (the blue leghorn) may not be a baby. We'd love your opinion....

As you can see it has a dark area to the right, but otherwise is pretty clear. Just like a shop brought egg.
Here is another egg we looked at

I love this one as you can easily see the air sac on the left, the veins and the little baby on the right.

This one has bacterial spots, but also two air sacs at each end, and I think a dark patch which is a chicken?

Again a great air sac and this one moved. That large dark spot is a chicken.

So we are 'pretty sure' that we have at least 7 chickens, but I guess we will tell next week. We are all very excited. Even Andy who was so hesitant to start. He got very excited when we candled the eggs last night.

Like you guys, we'll leave our littlies from now on. And will wait (im)patiently for the teeny chicks to join us.


  1. I loved seeing this! Ive told the boys its here and they are looking forward to seeing in the morning. It looks to me like an unfertilised egg. Did you candle an egg from your chooks to compare? A bit sad but I guess it was never a chick.
    We decided to start thinking of names for ours. Arlo is going to name the Arucana, Kaya the blue laced wy, Jimmy (HA, into it now!) the coro and Vicky all the rest. So far Arlo likes Minnie and Kaya likes Rose. We dont mind if they are girl names because we arent keeping the boys

  2. Ive just changed the settings so you get an email if a comment is left but i am trying to figure out how to get notified if one of us posts... instead of checking.
